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Amba Gallery showcases these amazing elaborately embellished Fontomfrom drums!! 

There are a large variety of drums in Ghana and the Fontomfrom represents a cultural tradition. This is because of its imposing size and symbolic appearance, as well as the musicality of its sound.

The Fontomfrom is an Akan type of talking drum, fashioned after the popular hourglass-shaped talking drum of the 7th century, mostly used by an ensemble to communicate royal messages in an Ashanti tribal setting. The Fontomfrom ensemble provides music for ceremonies honoring Akan chiefs and royal processions. It is also used to recite proverbs or replicate patterns of speech at most Akan gatherings. 

The Fontomfrom is the largest of the Ashanti drums. It is made sturdy with strong tuning pegs to support the cowhide that covers the drum. The sound is loud off the skin, and the drum’s shape, long with an open bottom, produces a deep resonating tone with high volume to project in open spaces. Impressive in appearance, it works well as a stage piece.  

Prior to the Fontomfrom becoming the ensemble that it is today, it was first introduced into Bonoman by Bonohene Akumfi Ameyaw I and Bonohemaa Owusuaa Abrafi around the 1320s, from North Africa. As they loved dancing and music, they introduced this drum to entertain themselves. Since its procurement, the single, large, Fontomfrom drum has grown to become an ensemble of several drums.  

So …. Come on over and check them out!! 

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